Thursday, May 21, 2009


WOW !!! I had so long didint create my blog ...........since training .... .ahaha ...OPPPSIE !!!

I was so busy in the office cos a lot of tasks to do ..... but i am loving them .....haha ...
I was so tired after work ... Phew!!! Cos i am travelling a lot ....... AND PAIN AND SUFFERING ..... ( Cos of my Lappiee!!)

At LAst , i still have 5 days left training ends .......... Happy Jor !!! haha .....
but i will miss my HR PPL thr ...
My assistant manager HR , Chiaki will organise farewelll gathering for me on my last day .... it is so kind of being her .... i will appreciate this .......

AWWW.... i MIss you guys .... i love them so much .... and the Hotel .... haha

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